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Nothing speaks the name of modern e-Commerce louder than Progressive Web Apps.

We, here at BUYTE are proud to welcome the PWA technology and we are ready to offer fast, scalable, reliable and safe solutions to your e-Commerce business.

With the principles of PWA already paving the way to next-level e-Commerce, we are proud to be jumping on this new technology by shipping a new Admiral, Kappa and Maui & Sons e-shop based on PWA.

What is a Progressive Web App?

progressive web application (PWA), is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies.

Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known as a web application, they do not require separate bundling or distribution. Developers can simply publish the web application online and users will be able to add the application to their home screen.

No Updates

Instant Checkout

Offline Mode

PWAs could and should eventually replace most native apps.

Why PWA?

Because the future of e-Commerce is build
on the principles of Progressive Web Apps

Make sure your brand is up-to-date with modern e-Commerce standards by taking your e-Shop to the next level.

Enjoy higher conversion rate and engagement while minimizing your bounce rate. Everyone wins!

Instant Installation

Simply by adding an “Add to Home” button on your website, the application is added to the visitor's mobile app directory.

Amazing speed

PWAs are super fast and reliable as they are not bound by the technical limitations of classic applications. Enjoy that super speed today.

Easily Indexable

PWA can be easily indexed by Google and its fast speed and maintainable structure can lead to perfect Google Lighthouse numbers.

Instant checkout

Every e-Commerce business owner dreams of instant checkout and PWA makes this a reality. Faster checkout means higher conversion rates.

Device and Platform agnostic

You no longer need to build different applications for different platforms. Build web, Android, iOS and more with just one procedure.

Native Capabilities

Unlike classic web pages and websites, PWA offers app functionalities like camera access, push notifications, home-screen access and full-screen mode.

In-store Functionality

PWA extends its functionalities into the real world with barcode scanning and offline mode in order to bring sales to your physical store with ease.

Always Updated

One of the coolest things PWA provides is its lack of update needs. Everything is up-to-date on all devices and you don't need to take precious time off of your schedule for basic updates.

Let The Numbers Speak

Admiral Sports Shop Statistics:

Conversion Rate
x 0
Mobile Revenue
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
Bounce Rate
- 0 %

Lighthouse Results

Checkout Our Custom PWA Website Theme

Expand your brand and revenue with a unique look, extensive marketing options and super fast navigation. Create loyal customers with your own mobile app and keep track of everything.

Do you want to stand out in your market and improve your revenue?

Fill out our form

Step 1

Fill out our form on this page. It should take you no longer than 2 minutes.

Schedule a quick call

Step 2

If you qualify, we’ll email you to schedule a call where we further define your needs.

Receive a proposal

Step 3

We’ll send you a hand-crafted Proposal to begin your website development.